Diabet-STOP - herbal tea for prevention and treatment

Overeating, the abuse of fatty, sweet foods and alcohol have the primary role in the development of diabetes, since these conditions are worsened by stress, viruses and a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, during the quarantine period, you should pay special attention to your health!

Diabetes is a very dangerous disease that can lead to serious consequences. In particular, it causes problems with the heart, blood vessels, vision impairment, and obesity. Therefore, experts recommend regular comprehensive therapy to prevent the development of the disease.

Herbal tea "Diabetes-STOP" – is a natural drink for health. It is recommended to use as an adjunct in the treatment of diabetes, and for the prevention of this disease. The drink normalizes blood sugar levels. It is a natural source of nutrients, and it helps to improve general health condition.

Among other benefits, tea has a pleasant taste and rich aroma.

Method of administration: drink 3 times a day before meals. The course contains 3 weeks. If necessary, take a break for 2 weeks and repeat the course.
* Consult your doctor before taking the tea.

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