Aggregate sales volume of all categories of goods of the "pharmacy basket" amounted to 51.4 billion UAH and 1.2 billion of packages according to the results of 9 months of 2017. As compared with the same period in 2016 sales volume has increased by 23,1% in monetary terms and by 7,5% in kind. Sales volume in dollar terms (at interbank exchange rate) has also showed a considerable increase at the level of 18.2% and amounted to 1.9 billion USD. Increase of sales volume in monetary terms and in kind for all categories of “pharmacy basket” goods has been recorded during the reference period.<br>
According to the results of 9 months of 2017 the weighted average price per package of pharmacy basket was 41,6 UAH and grew by 14.5% as compared with the same period in 2016. Thereat, there was a slowing of its growth rate as compared with the past years. The most expensive category is cosmetics the weighted average price of which per 1 package amounted to 56,4 UAH, followed by pharmaceutical products – 53,1 UAH, dietary supplements – 52,2 UAH, healthcare products - 11,4 UAH.<br>
Ukrainian pharm market sales volume of medicines amounted to 43,2 billion UAH for the reference period for 813,9 million of packages and grew by 23,2% in monetary terms and by 9,3% in kind as compared with the period from January to September in 2016; in dollar terms sales volume increased by 18,3% and achieved 1,6 billion USD.<br>
Indicators of medicines market dynamics in monetary terms testify that according to the results of 9 months of 2017 increase is attributable mainly to the growth of sales volume in packages and to consumption redistribution towards more expensive medications. In monetary terms, the growth rates of sales of medicines of Ukrainian and foreign (by the license holder) production are almost the same for which reason their ratio has not changed. Medicines of foreign production demonstrate higher rates of growth in kind that made it possible for them to strengthen their market positions.<br>
Actovegin, Nurofen and Nimesil hold the top spot of medicines’ brands ranking by retail sales volume in monetary terms for 9 months of 2017. Also such brands as Armadin, Eucazolin, Detralex, Magne-B6, Gidazepam, Hawthorn tincture and Karsil went into TOP-30 by significantly improving their positions as compared with the same period in 2016.<br>
According to the results of 9 months of 2017 TOP-3 of distributors by volume of supplies of the products from pharmacy basket in monetary terms remains unchanged as compared with the same period in the previous year. For the period under review, the share of supplies by the TOP-5 largest distributors accumulated 85,3% of the total volume of wholesale supplies of goods from the "pharmacy basket" in monetary terms. At the same time, the share of supplies of the three largest distributors amounts to 78,8%. These companies are BaDM, Optima-Pharm and Venta ltd.<br>
There is a redistribution of consumption towards more expensive medicines. The balance is established in the sales structure between domestic and foreign (by the license holder) medicines in monetary terms at the level 43/57%, correspondingly.
Ukrainian manufacturers keep on making up the top three leaders in terms of sales volume of products from "pharmacy basket" in monetary terms. TOP three leaders in the distribution segment continue to be the same.