The life of each person faces with a huge number of unfavorable factors. Dust, smoke, UV rays, dry air, wind, poor-quality cosmetics, as well as prolonged use of the computer can cause a feeling of dry eyes, burning, sharp pain, a feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the eye.

The Sistein® line of products from Alcon Company has been developed specifically to relieve the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, eliminate burning and irritation, and provide long-lasting hydration and protection of the eye surface.

Drops can be used both to moisturize silicone-hydrogel and hydrogel contact lenses of day and prolonged wearing modes, and to eliminate discomfort, redness and dryness.

Sistein® drops adapt to the characteristics of a particular person's tear and create the necessary consistency of the drug on the surface of the eye. This allows you to use drops at any stage of development of dry eye syndrome.

Method of administration:
1-2 drops in each eye 15 minutes before putting on the lenses, or as needed.

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